diff options
authordev1ls <>2023-07-19 06:46:59 -0400
committerdev1ls <>2023-07-19 06:46:59 -0400
commit0a7664f03cdfc03708c054c7054bd32e7e7ebb3a (patch)
my cwm and lemonbar dotfilesHEADmaster
3 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bar b/bar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..156a7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bar
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Clock() {
+ DATETIME=$(date "+%a %b %d, %T")
+ echo -n "$DATETIME"
+Memory() {
+ MEMORY=$(top -b1 | egrep ^Memory | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}')
+ echo -n " $MEMORY"
+wlanip() {
+ WLANIP=$(ifconfig iwn0 | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}')
+ [[ -n $WLANIP ]] && echo -n " $WLANIP"
+wifi() {
+ WIFI=$(ifconfig iwn0 | egrep ieee80211 | awk '{print $8}' | sed 's/\%//' )
+ SSID=$(ifconfig iwn0 | egrep ieee80211 | awk '{print $3,$4}')
+ if [ $WIFI -lt 21 ]; then
+ echo -n "${SSID} "
+ elif [ $WIFI -lt 41 ]; then
+ echo -n "${SSID} "
+ elif [ $WIFI -lt 61 ]; then
+ echo -n "${SSID} "
+ elif [ $WIFI -lt 81 ]; then
+ echo -n "${SSID} "
+ else
+ echo -n "${SSID} "
+ fi
+Battery() {
+ battery=$(apm -l)
+ battcharge=$(apm -a)
+ if [ $battcharge -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo -n " ${battery}%"
+ elif [ $battery -ge 90 ]; then
+ echo -n " ${battery}%"
+ elif [ $battery -ge 70 ]; then
+ echo -n " ${battery}%"
+ elif [ $battery -ge 50 ]; then
+ echo -n " ${battery}%"
+ elif [ $battery -le 25 ]; then
+ echo -n " ${battery}%"
+ else
+ echo -n "${battery}%"
+ fi
+Load() {
+ LOAD=$(w | head -1 | awk -F ',' '{print $3 $4 $5}' | awk '{print $3" "$4" "$5}')
+ echo -n "$LOAD"
+CPU() {
+ CPU=$(top -bn1 | grep "CPUs" | sed "s/.*, *\([0-9.]*\)%* id.*/\1/" | awk '{print 100 - $1"%"}')
+ echo -n " $CPU"
+Temp() {
+ TEMPERATURE=$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0 | sed 's/\.00 degC/°/g')
+ echo -n " $TEMPERATURE"
+Audio() {
+ AUDIO=$(mixerctl outputs.master)
+ echo -n $AUDIO
+ Extip() {
+ ext_ip=$(curl -s
+ echo -n "$ext_ip"
+while true; do
+ echo "%{l} L:$(wlanip)%{c}$(Clock)%{r}CPU:$(CPU) | MEM:$(Memory) | TEMP:$(Temp) | BAT:$(Battery) "
+ sleep 1
diff --git a/barstarter b/barstarter
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0817770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/barstarter
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ksh
+/home/dev1ls/bin/bar | lemonbar -dp -g "$GEO" -B "$COLOR" &
diff --git a/cwmrc b/cwmrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f97d12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cwmrc
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+borderwidth 1
+color inactiveborder "#ebdbb2"
+color activeborder "#ebdbb2"
+color font "#ebdbb2"
+color selfont "#282828"
+color menubg "#2e3440"
+color menufg "#ebdbb2"
+color groupborder "#686868"
+color ungroupborder "#7c7c7c"
+unbind-key all
+gap 10 40 10 10
+bind-key 4M-h window-hide
+bind-key 4-f window-fullscreen
+bind-key 4S-x xlock
+bind-key 4-y dyt
+bind-key 4-v "cpmpv"
+bind-key 4C-s "sakura"
+bind-key Print "dshot"
+bind-key 4-m "st -e ncmpc"
+bind-key 4M-m "st -g 117x30+273+154 -e /home/dev1ls/bin/swordfish"
+bind-key 4C-f "st -e ranger"
+bind-key 4-x "st -g 117x30+273+154 -e /home/dev1ls/bin/dtmux"
+bind-key 4-i window-cycle
+bind-key 4-h window-move-left
+bind-key 4-j window-move-down
+bind-key 4-k window-move-up
+bind-key 4-l window-move-right
+bind-key 4-t "st -e /usr/local/bin/fish"
+bind-key 4-c window-close
+bind-key 4-d "dmenu_run"
+bind-key 4M-t "st -e /home/dev1ls/bin/tp"
+bind-key 4S-w "rofi -show window"
+bind-key 4-space "rofi -show run"
+bind-key 4C-h window-resize-left
+bind-key 4C-j window-resize-down
+bind-key 4C-k window-resize-up
+bind-key 4C-l window-resize-right
+bind-key 4S-h window-move-left-big
+bind-key 4S-j window-move-down-big
+bind-key 4S-k window-move-up-big
+bind-key 4S-l window-move-right-big
+bind-key 4S-s window-htile
+bind-key 4S-v window-vtile
+bind-key 4S-p window-snap-down-right
+bind-key 4C-r restart
+bind-key 4S-q "pkill cwm"
+# Toggle visibility of group n, hiding all other groups
+bind-key 4-1 group-only-1
+bind-key 4-2 group-only-2
+bind-key 4-3 group-only-3
+bind-key 4-4 group-only-4
+bind-key 4-5 group-only-5
+bind-key 4-6 group-only-6
+bind-key 4-7 group-only-7
+bind-key 4-8 group-only-8
+bind-key 4-9 group-only-9
+# Toggle group n's visibility, without hiding active group
+bind-key 4M-1 group-toggle-1
+bind-key 4M-2 group-toggle-2
+bind-key 4M-3 group-toggle-3
+bind-key 4M-4 group-toggle-4
+bind-key 4M-5 group-toggle-5
+bind-key 4M-6 group-toggle-6
+bind-key 4M-7 group-toggle-7
+bind-key 4M-8 group-toggle-8
+bind-key 4M-9 group-toggle-9
+# Move window to group n
+bind-key 4S-1 window-movetogroup-1
+bind-key 4S-2 window-movetogroup-2
+bind-key 4S-3 window-movetogroup-3
+bind-key 4S-4 window-movetogroup-4
+bind-key 4S-5 window-movetogroup-5
+bind-key 4S-6 window-movetogroup-6
+bind-key 4S-7 window-movetogroup-7
+bind-key 4S-8 window-movetogroup-8
+bind-key 4S-9 window-movetogroup-9
+# Mouse bind
+bind-mouse M-3 window-resize
+bind-mouse M-2 window-lower
+bind-mouse M-1 window-move
+# groups
+autogroup 1 "st,urxvt,URxvt"
+autogroup 2 "Navigator,Firefox,luakit,chromium,chrome"
+autogroup 3 "lagrange,vorta,thunar"
+autogroup 4 "pidgin"
+# Open menus
+bind-key 4-e menu-exec
+ignore lemonbar
+ignore dunst
+ignore termbar
+autogroup 0 termbar
+gap 30 0 0 0
+window-hmaximize 11
+window-vmaximize 34
+moveamount 5
+snapdist 5
+sticky yes
+command " terminal -" "st -g 100x30"
+command " firefox -" "firefox"
+command " pidgin -" "pidgin"
+command " surf -" "surf "
+command " lock -" "xlock -mode pacman & zzz"
+command " suspend -" "zzz"
+command " exit -" "pkill cwm"
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