path: root/INSTALL
blob: dde484694516cf31180d64efff78628e42c4a2bc (plain) (tree)

Some Notes on Installation of the Bywater BASIC Interpreter:

0. Quick-Start Guide For Compiling

   To use the default configuration (which is reasonable for most situations):

   On Unix using GCC:
       gcc -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c
   On Android CCTools using GCC:
       gcc -o bwbasic -lm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Werror bw*.c
   On MSDOS using Borland C++ 3.1:
      bcc.exe -mh -eBWBASIC.EXE -D_DOS=1 -Y bw*.c
   On MSDOS using Digital Mars Compiler Version 8.42n:
      dmc.exe -mx -A89 -oBWBASIC.EXE -DHAVE_DOS=1 bwbasic.c bwb_cmd.c bwb_cnd.c 
      bwb_dio.c bwb_exp.c bwb_fnc.c bwb_inp.c bwb_int.c bwb_prn.c bwb_stc.c 
      bwb_str.c bwb_tbl.c bwb_var.c bwd_cmd.c bwd_fun.c bwx_tty.c X32.LIB

   On MSDOS using Open Watcom 1.9:
      wcl386 -bc -c -ox -q -wx -za -D_DOS -D__WATCOM__ bw*.c
      wlink option quiet file bw*.obj name bwbasic.exe

   The following MSDOS compilers are unable to compile Bywater BASIC:
      Borland Turbo C 2.01
      Hi-Tech Pacific C 7.51
      Mix Power C 2.2.0

   You can skip the rest of this file unless you want to customize the
   BASIC dialect that is supported, or something goes wrong in the
   above commands.

1. Compiler Requirements

   ANSI C.

2. Configuration of header files

   You may need to examine file "bwbasic.h" to make important
   changes for specific hardware and compiler configurations.

3. Makefiles

   Several compiler-specific makefiles are provided AS-IS,
   and have not been tested with Bywater BASIC version 3.XX.
   "makefile" should compile the program on Unix-based computers. 
   "makefile.qcl" should compile using Microsoft QuickC (tm).

4. Implementations

   TTY is the base implementation and presumes a simple
   TTY-style environment, with all keyboard and screen input
   and output directed through stdin and stdout.  All commands,
   functions and operators should be available in the TTY 
   implementation, even when they do nothing.  For example, 
   is specified.  This allows exising classic BASIC applications 
   to execute, even though the display will not be accurate.
5. Adding Commands and Functions

   Follow the rules in "Implementation rules for functions and commands";
   the majority of BASIC commands are actually intrinsic functions.
   Adding a new command is more work than adding a new function.   

   In order to add a new command to bwBASIC:

      Search for C_WRITE and bwb_WRITE,
      and add your command's eqivalent information in the same places.
      Each command (#define C_...) shoud have a unique number.

   Adding a new function is easier:
      Search for F_ABS_X_N, 
      and add your function's equivalent information in the same places.
      Each function (#define F_...) shoud have a unique number.

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