From 2453311e595c6a60a5b614d48310a9064a6fd22b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dgy Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2022 21:26:16 -0300 Subject: Un par de archivos nuevos y algunos cambios para estar mas a gusto. tambien eran necesarias modificaciones para este entorno --- .profile | 104 ++ X11/defaults | 5 + X11/urxvt | 71 + X11/xft | 6 + X11/xlock | 16 + X11/xsession | 23 + X11/xterm | 49 + bspwm/bspwmrc | 46 + exrc | 60 +- git/config | 16 +- gtk-2.0/.gtkrc-2.0 | 20 + ksh/conf/alias.ksh | 36 +- lynx.cfg | 3831 ------------------------------------------ lynx.lss | 115 -- lynx/lynx.cfg | 3831 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lynx/lynx.lss | 115 ++ mpv/input.conf | 177 ++ mpv/mpv.conf | 30 + pipe-viewer/pipe-viewer.conf | 124 ++ sxhkd/sxhkdrc | 49 + tmux/tmux.conf | 25 +- 21 files changed, 4770 insertions(+), 3979 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .profile create mode 100644 X11/defaults create mode 100644 X11/urxvt create mode 100644 X11/xft create mode 100644 X11/xlock create mode 100755 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+export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 +export LC_MESSAGE=en_US.UTF-8 +export LC_TIME=es_AR.UTF-8 +export LC_NUMERIC=es_AR.UTF-8 +export LC_MONETARY=es_AR.UTF-8 +export LC_COLLATE=C +export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib +export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include/ +export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config" +export XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share" +export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$HOME/.cache" +export TIME_STYLE="long-iso" +export BLOCK_SIZE="'1" +export QUOTING_STYLE=literal +export CLICOLOR=1 +export ENV="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ksh/.kshrc" +# }}} +# Programas {{{ +#export EXINIT="set ai ic nu sm smd sw=4 ts=4 ruler para=BlBdPpIt sect=ShSs | map gg 1G" +export EXINIT=":so $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/exrc" +export EDITOR="nvim" +export TERMINAL="xterm" +export VISUAL="$EDITOR" +export GIT_EDITOR="$EDITOR" + +export GPG_TTY=$(tty) +export GNUPGHOME="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/gnupg" +export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/pass" +#eval $(keychain --dir ~/.local/share/keychain --quiet --eval --noask --clear --agents ssh,gpg id_ed25519) + +export WGETRC="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/wget/wgetrc" +export HIGHLIGHT_OPTIONS='--out-format="ansi" --style=base16/gruvbox-dark-hard' +export NOTMUCH_CONFIG="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/notmuch-config" +export GTK2_RC_FILES="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-2.0" +export LYNX_LSS="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/lynx/lynx.lss" +export LYNX_CFG="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/lynx/lynx.cfg" +export ELINKS_CONFDIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/elinks" +export IPYTHONDIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ipython" +export NNTPSERVER="" +export SLRNHOME="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/slrn" +# }}} +# FZF {{{ +export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--cycle \ + --color=bg:-1,hl:#5fff87,bg+:-1,hl+:#ffaf5f,border:#000000,info:#af87ff,prompt:#5fff87,pointer:#ff87d7,marker:#ff87d7,spinner:#ff87d7 \ + --reverse \ + --info=inline \ + --no-bold \ + --ansi \ + --pointer='→' \ + --marker='∙' \ + --preview-window :wrap:sharp" + +#export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd -t f -c always -H --strip-cwd-prefix" +export FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS='+c -x' +export FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS="--select-1 --exit-0 --preview 'echo {}'" +export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS="--preview 'echo {}' --preview-window down:3:hidden:wrap --bind '?:toggle-preview'" +export FZF_VIM_LOG=$(git config --get alias.l | awk '{$1=""; print $0;}' | tr -d '\r') +# }}} +# Less {{{ +export PAGER=less +export LESSCHARSET=UTF-8 +export LESS=FRXix4 +export LESS_TERMCAP_mb="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESS_TERMCAP_md="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESS_TERMCAP_me="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESS_TERMCAP_so="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESS_TERMCAP_se="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESS_TERMCAP_us="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESS_TERMCAP_ue="$(printf '%b' '')" +export LESSOPEN="| /usr/local/bin/highlight -O ansi %s 2>/dev/null" +export LESSPROMPT='?f%f .?ltLine %lt:?pt%pt\%:?btByte %bt:-...' +export LESSHISTFILE="-" +# }}} +# Other {{{ +#to set a title to your xterm window +set_title() +{ + echo -n "\033]0;$1\007" +} +stty 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+# }}} +# vim:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0 diff --git a/X11/defaults b/X11/defaults new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24e7b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/X11/defaults @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#include "/home/ghoul/.config/X11/xterm" +#include "/home/ghoul/.config/X11/xft" +#include "/home/ghoul/.config/X11/xlock" +#include "/home/ghoul/.config/X11/urxvt" +#include "/home/ghoul/.config/X11/colors/tano" diff --git a/X11/urxvt b/X11/urxvt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6fa57f --- /dev/null +++ b/X11/urxvt @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +URxvt*termName: xterm-256color +URxvt*name: URxvt +URxvt*loginShell: false +URxvt*locale: true +URxvt*utf8: true +URxvt*iso14755: false +URxvt*iso14755_52: false +URxvt*preeditType: Root +URxvt*altSendsEscape: true +URxvt*eightBitInput: false +URxvt*metaSendsEscape: true +URxvt*utmpInhibit: false +URxvt.saveLines: 9999 +URxvt.iso14755: false +URxvt.iso14755_52: false +URxvt.depth: 32 +URxvt*cutchars: `"()'*<>[]{|} +URxvt*scrollBar: false +URxvt*scrollstyle: xterm +URxvt*thickness: 10 +URxvt*secondaryScroll: true +URxvt*buffered: true +URxvt*urgentOnBell: true +URxvt*visualBell: true +URxvt*mapAlert: true +URxvt*transparent: false +URxvt*renderFont: true +URxvt*shading: 25 +URxvt*fading: 0 +URxvt*intensityStyles: true +URxvt*secondaryScreen: 1 +URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false +URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: true +URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true + + +! fonts +!URxvt*font: xft:hax:style=Regular:size=11:hinting=full:antialias=true +URxvt*font: xft:JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:style=Regular:size=9:hinting=full:antialias=true + +URxvt*boldFont: xft:JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:style=Bold:size=9:hinting=full:antialias=true +URxvt*italicFont: xft:JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:style=Italic:size=9:hinting=full:antialias=true +URxvt*bolditalicFont: xft:JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:style=Bold Italic:size=9:hinting=full:antialias=true + +URxvt*letterSpace: -1 +URxvt*lineSpace: -1 + +! extensions +URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,url-select,keyboard-select +URxvt.copyCommand: xclip -i -selection clipboard +URxvt.pasteCommand: xclip -o -selection clipboard +URxvt.keysym.M-c: perl:clipboard:copy +URxvt.keysym.M-v: perl:clipboard:paste +URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped +URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate +URxvt.keysym.M-s: perl:keyboard-select:search +URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:url-select:select_next +URxvt.urlLauncher: links -g +URxvt.underlineURLs: true +URxvt.urlButton: 1 +URxvt.keysym.C-Shift-Up: command:\033]720;1\007 +URxvt.keysym.C-Shift-Down: command:\033]721;1\007 +URxvt.keysym.C-Shift-Right: \033[1;5C +URxvt.keysym.C-Shift-Left: \033[1;5D +URxvt.url-select.autocopy: true +URxvt.url-select.underline: true +URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: true +URxvt.clipboard.copycmd: xclip -i -selection clipboard +URxvt.clipboard.pastecmd: xclip -o -selection clipboard +URxvt*keysym.Shift-Up: command:\033]720;1\007 +URxvt*keysym.Shift-Down: command:\033]721;1\007 diff --git a/X11/xft b/X11/xft new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f66d64c --- /dev/null +++ b/X11/xft @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Xft.autohint: 0 +Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault +Xft.hintstyle: hintslight +Xft.hinting: 1 +Xft.antialias: 1 +Xft.rgba: rgb diff --git a/X11/xlock b/X11/xlock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aaceb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/X11/xlock @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +XIdle*position: sw +XIdle*delay: 1 +XIdle*timeout: 300 + +XLock.dpmsoff: 1 +XLock.description: off +XLock.echokeys: true +XLock*echokey: * +XLock.background: black +XLock.foreground: white +XLock.mode: blank +XLock.username: user: +XLock.password: pass: +XLock.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 +XLock.planfont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 diff --git a/X11/xsession b/X11/xsession new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0a448bf --- /dev/null +++ b/X11/xsession @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -m +atexit() { + kill -TERM -- -$$ $(printf "-%s " $(jobs -p)) +} + +trap 'atexit' EXIT + +xrandr --dpi 96 +unclutter & +sct 4200 +xsetroot -solid "black" +xidle -delay 5 -nw -program "/usr/X11R6/bin/xlock -dpmsstandby 5" -timeout 600 & +setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl -option caps:escape -option compose:altgr -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp +export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct +. $HOME/.profile +xrdb -load $HOME/.config/X11/defaults +xset b off +#exec cwm -c $HOME/.config/cwm/cwmrc +exec sxhkd & +#urxvtd -q -f -o & +exec bspwm diff --git a/X11/xterm b/X11/xterm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2efe461 --- /dev/null +++ b/X11/xterm @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +XTerm*termName: xterm-256color +XTerm*loginShell:true +XTerm.vt100.geometry: 80x25 +XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true +XTerm*utf8: true +XTerm*locale: true +XTerm*utf8Title: true +xterm*utf8Fonts: always +XTerm*alternateScroll: true +XTerm*allowMouseOps: true +XTerm*bellIsUrgent: true +XTerm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48 +XTerm*scrollBar: false +XTerm*pointerMode: 2 +XTerm*allowBoldFonts: true +XTerm*multiScroll: on +XTerm*jumpScroll: on +XTerm*scrollTtyOutput: true +XTerm*scrollKey: true +XTerm*cutToBeginningOfLine: false +XTerm*cutNewLine: false +XTerm*on2Clicks: word +XTerm*on3Click: line +XTerm*selectToClipboard: true +XTerm*saveLines: 16384 +XTerm*internalBorder: 3 +XTerm*highlightSelection: true +XTerm*trimSelection: true +XTerm*fullscreen: never + +!XTerm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-*-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-* +!XTerm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1 +!XTerm*faceName : DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book:antialias=false +!Xterm*FaceName : Unifont:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:hinting=full +!XTerm*faceName : Cozette:pixelsize=16 +!XTerm*faceName : GohuFont:pixelsize=14 +XTerm*faceName : JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:sytle=Regular:size=9:hinting=full:antialias=true +XTerm*faceNameDoublesize: WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song +XTerm*faceSize: 10 + +XTerm*backarrowKey: false +*VT100*translations: #override \n\ + ShiftCtrlC: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\ + ShiftCtrlV: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\ + Backspace: string(0x7F)\n\ + Delete: string("\033[3~")\n\ + Home: string("\033[1~")\n\ + End: string("\033[4~") +*ttyModes: erase ^? diff --git a/bspwm/bspwmrc b/bspwm/bspwmrc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..393c4ca --- /dev/null +++ b/bspwm/bspwmrc @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +bspc monitor -d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +bspc config bottom_padding 0 +bspc config top_padding 0 +bspc config border_width 1 +bspc config window_gap 4 +bspc config split_ratio 0.5 + +# Opciones +bspc config gapless_monocle true +bspc config ignore_ewmh_focus true +bspc config pointer_follows_focus true +bspc config removal_adjustment true +bspc config remove_unplugged_monitors true +bspc config remove_disabled_monitors true +bspc config single_monocle true +bspc config borderless_monocle true +bspc config honor_size_hints false +bspc config directional_focus_tightness low +bspc config automatic_scheme longest_side +bspc config initial_polarity second_child +bspc config click_to_focus any +bspc config pointer_modifier mod4 +bspc config pointer_action1 resize_side +bspc config pointer_action2 resize_corner +bspc config pointer_action3 move + +# xrdb +get_xrdb() { + xrdb -query | awk -v pat="$1" '$0~pat {print $2}' +} + +# Colores +bspc config normal_border_color "$(get_xrdb color0)" +bspc config focused_border_color "$(get_xrdb color3)" +bspc config active_border_color "$(get_xrdb color8)" +bspc config presel_feedback_color "$(get_xrdb color2)" + +# Flotantes +bspc rule -a mpv state=floating +bspc rule -a Zathura state=tiled +bspc rule -a Links desktop='^2' + +$TERMINAL & +#urxvt & diff --git a/exrc b/exrc index e73ce63..6d4e4e0 100644 --- a/exrc +++ b/exrc @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +set term=xterm-256color set autoindent set ignorecase set nolist @@ -16,8 +17,12 @@ set leftright set extended set iclower set searchincr +set verbose +set redraw set para=BlBdPpIt -set sect=ShSs +set sections=SeAhBhChDh +set fileencoding=UTF-8 + map ZZ m map ) 0 map 0 ^ @@ -27,3 +32,56 @@ map m ' map M ` map Y y$ map gg 1G +map G GA +map Q :wq! +map R :ex + +""Formatting +" indent lines +map gi :%!indent -i4 +" reformat, wrap text at 72ch +map gf :%!fmt -w 80 % +" reformat paragraph +map gp :?^$?,//!fmt -w 80 +" sort lines alphabetically +map gs :%!sort -u +" substitute patterns up to current position +map gr :^,.s///g +" remove leading tabs +map gl :%s/^[ \t]*// +" double space, whole file +map gd :%!sed G +" expand TABS out in buffer +map ge 'a!'bexpand +"comment lines in buffer +map gc :'a,'bs/^/#/ +" uncomment lines in buffer +map gu :'a,'bs/# *// +" remove trailing spaces +map gt :%s/ *$// + +""Manipulating Buffers +" display vi buffers +map K :display buffers +" cut current line to buffer '1' +map C "1Y$dd +" paste '1' after current position +map V "1PASTE +" mark current position as begin of new buffer +map # ma +" mark current position as end of new buffer +map * mb +" append new buffer to next line +map bv :'a,'b co . +" delete marked buffer +map be :'a,'b del . +" move marked buffer to 'n' line +map bm :'a,'b mo . +" convert marked buffer to UPPERCASE +map bc :'a,'bs/.*/\U&/ +" convert marked buffer to LOWERCASE +map bl :'a,'bs/.*/\L&/ +" trim white space from marked buffer +map bt :'a,'bs/[ ^I][ ^I]*$//g +" write marked buffer to file +map bw :'a;'bw diff --git a/git/config b/git/config index 2c2c738..7e95402 100644 --- a/git/config +++ b/git/config @@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ +[user] + name = deadguy + email = + signingkey = E276608B5A49E3D3! +[init] + defaultBranch = main +[sendemail] + from = "deadguy " + smtpuser = dgy + smtpserver = + smtpserverport = 587 + smtpencryption = tls + suppresscc = self [alias] st = status co = checkout @@ -63,7 +76,7 @@ line-numbers-plus-style = green italic [web] - browser = firefox + browser = links -g [credential] helper = /usr/local/libexec/git/git-credential-cache @@ -122,3 +135,4 @@ [help] autocorrect = 1 + diff --git a/gtk-2.0/.gtkrc-2.0 b/gtk-2.0/.gtkrc-2.0 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9a2e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/gtk-2.0/.gtkrc-2.0 @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance. +# Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead. + +include "/home/ghoul/.gtkrc-2.0.mine" +gtk-theme-name="Zukitre-dark" +gtk-icon-theme-name="Adwaita" +gtk-font-name="Sans 10" +gtk-cursor-theme-name="Adwaita" +gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 +gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ +gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR +gtk-button-images=0 +gtk-menu-images=0 +gtk-enable-event-sounds=0 +gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=0 +gtk-xft-antialias=1 +gtk-xft-hinting=1 +gtk-xft-hintstyle="hintslight" +gtk-xft-rgba="rgb" +gtk-modules="gail:atk-bridge" diff --git a/ksh/conf/alias.ksh b/ksh/conf/alias.ksh index 11caebf..daf4ab6 100644 --- a/ksh/conf/alias.ksh +++ b/ksh/conf/alias.ksh @@ -4,17 +4,6 @@ else LS='ls' fi -# Programas -alias \ - v="$EDITOR" \ - m='neomutt' \ - xi="doas pkg_add" \ - vv='nvi' \ - se="doas nvim" \ - irc='irssi --config="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/irssi/config --home="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/irssi' \ - del='doas pkg_delete -cmvvv' \ - updatedb='doas /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb' - # Tmux alias tmux='tmux -2' if [[ -n $TMUX ]]; then @@ -36,21 +25,30 @@ alias \ mount='doas mount -v' \ umount='doas umount -v' -# Con opciones por defecto +# Programas con opciones por defecto alias \ + v="$EDITOR" \ + m='neomutt' \ ls="$LS -FAGt" \ ll='ls -cohltFAG' \ df='df -hT --total' \ - free='free -ht' \ du='du -sh' \ - ping='ping -c 5' \ + xi="doas pkg_add" \ + vv='nvi' \ + se="doas nvim" \ + ytv='pipe-viewer' \ + w3m='w3m -no-cookie -v' \ + irc='irssi --config="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/irssi/config --home="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/irssi' \ + del='doas pkg_delete -cmvvv' \ + upd='doas pkg_add -Uu' \ + pwn='chmod +x' \ dfc='dfc -dmT' \ + rat='tar -xf' \ + ping='ping -c 5' \ + free='free -ht' \ wget='wget --no-hsts' \ - -# Comandos -alias \ + dbup='doas /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb' \ tplano='mosh tplano' \ reboot='doas shutdown -r now' \ shutdown='doas shutdown -p now' \ - pwn='chmod +x' \ - rat='tar -xf' + dirdl='wget -r --no-parent -l1 -e robots=off --reject="index.html" --no-hsts' diff --git a/lynx.cfg b/lynx.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index b2d9fdc..0000000 --- a/lynx.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3831 +0,0 @@ -# $LynxId: lynx.cfg,v 1.302 2018/07/08 15:22:44 tom Exp $ -# lynx.cfg file. -# The default placement for this file is /usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg (Unix) -# or Lynx_Dir:lynx.cfg (VMS) -# -# $Format: "#PRCS LYNX_VERSION \"$ProjectVersion$\""$ -#PRCS LYNX_VERSION "2.8.9rel.1" -# -# $Format: "#PRCS LYNX_DATE \"$ProjectDate$\""$ -#PRCS LYNX_DATE "Sun, 08 Jul 2018 06:46:06 -0400" -# -# Definition pairs (configuration settings) are of the form -# VARIABLE:DEFINITION -# NO spaces are allowed around the colon ":" between the pair items. -# -# If you do not have write access to /usr/local/lib you may change -# the default location of this file in the userdefs.h file and recompile, -# or specify its location on the command line with the "-cfg" -# command line option. -# -# Items may be commented out by putting a '#' as the FIRST char of the line -# (Any line beginning with punctuation is ignored). Leading blanks on each -# line are ignored; trailing blanks may be significant depending on the option. - -# In most cases, a definition can be overridden by another later in the -# file, or in an including configuration file. You can see the effect of -# definitions (and redefinitions) in the trace file Lynx.log by using the -# "-trace" and "-trace-mask" options, e.g., -# lynx -trace -trace-mask=8 - -# As a documentation aid, the default values for each setting are shown -# commented-out. By convention, these default value comments have no space -# after the "#", e.g., -# #HTTP_PROTOCOL:1.0 - -# An HTML'ized description of all settings (based on comments in this file, -# with alphabetical table of settings and with table of settings by category) -# is available at -# -### The conversion is done via the scripts/ script. -### Several directives beginning with '.' are used for this purpose. - -.h1 Auxiliary Facilities -# These settings control the auxiliary navigating facilities of lynx, e.g., -# jumpfiles, bookmarks, default URLs. - -.h2 INCLUDE -# Starting with Lynx 2.8.1, the lynx.cfg file has a crude "include" -# facility. This means that you can take advantage of the global lynx.cfg -# while also supplying your own tweaks. -# -# You can use a command-line argument (-cfg /where/is/lynx.cfg) or an -# environment variable (LYNX_CFG=/where/is/lynx.cfg). -# For instance, put in your .profile or .login: -# -# LYNX_CFG=~/lynx.cfg; export LYNX_CFG # in .profile for sh/ksh/bash/etc. -# setenv LYNX_CFG ~/lynx.cfg # in .login for [t]csh -# -# Then in ~/lynx.cfg: -# -# INCLUDE:/usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg -# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ or whatever is appropriate on your system -# and now your own tweaks. If you omit the directory name, e.g., -# -# INCLUDE:lynx.cfg -# -# then lynx first checks if it is in any of the directories listed in the -# environment variable LYNX_CFG_PATH, then tries the directory of the default -# config-file. -# -# You can also suppress all but specific settings that will be read from -# included files. This allows sysadmins to provide users the ability to -# customize lynx with options that normally do not affect security, such as -# COLOR, VIEWER, KEYMAP. -# -# The syntax is -# -# INCLUDE:filename for -# -# sample: -.ex -#INCLUDE:~/lynx.cfg for COLOR VIEWER KEYMAP -# only one space character should surround the word 'for'. On Unix systems ':' -# is also accepted as separator. In that case, the example can be written as -.ex -#INCLUDE:~/lynx.cfg:COLOR VIEWER KEYMAP -# In the example, only the settings COLOR, VIEWER and KEYMAP are accepted by -# lynx. Other settings are ignored. Note: INCLUDE is also treated as a -# setting, so to allow an included file to include other files, put INCLUDE in -# the list of allowed settings. -# -# If you allow an included file to include other files, and if a list of -# allowed settings is specified for that file with the INCLUDE command, nested -# files are only allowed to include the list of settings that is the set AND of -# settings allowed for the included file and settings allowed by nested INCLUDE -# commands. In short, there is no security hole introduced by including a -# user-defined configuration file if the original list of allowed settings is -# secure. - -.h2 STARTFILE -# STARTFILE is the default starting URL if none is specified -# on the command line or via a WWW_HOME environment variable; -# Lynx will refuse to start without a starting URL of some kind. -# STARTFILE can be remote, e.g. , -# or local, e.g. file://localhost/PATH_TO/FILENAME , -# where PATH_TO is replaced with the complete path to FILENAME -# using Unix shell syntax and including the device on VMS. -# -# Normally we expect you will connect to a remote site, e.g., the Lynx starting -# site: -STARTFILE: -# -# As an alternative, you may want to use a local URL. A good choice for this is -# the user's home directory: -.ex -#STARTFILE:file://localhost/~/ -# -# Your choice of STARTFILE should reflect your site's needs, and be a URL that -# you can connect to reliably. Otherwise users will become confused and think -# that they cannot run Lynx. - -.h2 HELPFILE -# HELPFILE must be defined as a URL and must have a -# complete path if local: -# file://localhost/PATH_TO/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html -# Replace PATH_TO with the path to the lynx_help subdirectory -# for this distribution (use SHELL syntax including the device -# on VMS systems). -# The default HELPFILE is: -.url -# This should be changed to the local path. -# This definition will be overridden if the "LYNX_HELPFILE" environment -# variable has been set. -# -#HELPFILE: -.ex -HELPFILE:file://localhost/usr/local/share/doc/lynx/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html - -.h2 DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE -# DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE is the default file retrieved when the -# user presses the 'I' key when viewing any document. -# An index to your CWIS can be placed here or a document containing -# pointers to lots of interesting places on the web. -# -DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE: - -.h1 Interaction - -.h2 GOTOBUFFER -# Set GOTOBUFFER to TRUE if you want to have the previous goto URL, -# if any, offered for reuse or editing when using the 'g'oto command. -# The default is defined in userdefs.h. If left FALSE, the circular -# buffer of previously entered goto URLs can still be invoked via the -# Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow keys after entering the 'g'oto command. -# -#GOTOBUFFER:FALSE - -.h2 JUMP_PROMPT -# JUMP_PROMPT is the default statusline prompt for selecting a jumps file -# shortcut. (see below). -# You can change the prompt here from that defined in userdefs.h. Any -# trailing white space will be trimmed, and a single space is added by Lynx -# following the last non-white character. You must set the default prompt -# before setting the default jumps file (below). If a default jumps file -# was set via userdefs.h, and you change the prompt here, you must set the -# default jumps file again (below) for the change to be implemented. -# -#JUMP_PROMPT:Jump to (use '?' for list): - -.h1 Auxiliary Facilities - -.h2 JUMPFILE -# JUMPFILE is the local file checked for short-cut names for URLs when -# the user presses the 'j' (JUMP) key. The file contains an HTML -# definition list (DL). The definition titles (DT) are used as -# short-cut name; the definition data (DD) are URLs. -# -# There is an example jumps file in the samples subdirectory. -# -# After pressing 'j', the user will be prompted to enter a short-cut -# name for an URL, which Lynx will then follow in a similar manner to -# 'g'oto; alternatively, s/he can enter '?' to view the full JUMPFILE -# list of short-cuts with associated URLs. -# -# If the URL contains one or more "%s" markers, Lynx will prompt the user -# for text to fill in for each marker. If no text is given, the jump is -# cancelled. -# -# If not defined here or in userdefs.h, the JUMP command will invoke the -# NO_JUMPFILE statusline message (see LYMessages_en.h ). -# -# To allow '?' to work, include in the JUMPFILE -# a short-cut to the JUMPFILE itself, e.g. -#
This Shortcut List -# -# On VMS, use Unix SHELL syntax (including a lead slash) to define it. -# -# Alternate jumps files can be defined and mapped to keys here. If the -# keys have already been mapped, then those mappings will be replaced, -# but you should leave at least one key mapped to the default jumps -# file. You optionally may include a statusline prompt string for the -# mapping. You must map upper and lowercase keys separately (beware of -# mappings to keys which the user can further remap via the 'o'ptions -# menu). The format is: -# -# JUMPFILE:path:key[:prompt] -# -# where path should begin with a '/' (i.e., not include file://localhost). -# Any white space following a prompt string will be trimmed, and a single -# space will be added by Lynx. -# -# In the following line, include the actual full local path to JUMPFILE, -# but do not include 'file://localhost' in the line. -#JUMPFILE:/FULL_LOCAL_PATH/jumps.html -.ex -#JUMPFILE:/Lynx_Dir/ips.html:i:IP or Interest group (? for list): - -.h2 JUMPBUFFER -# Set JUMPBUFFER to TRUE if you want to have the previous jump target, -# if any, offered for reuse or editing when using the 'J'ump command. -# The default is defined in userdefs.h. If left FALSE, the circular -# buffer of previously entered targets (shortcuts) can still be invoked -# via the Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow keys after entering the 'J'ump command. -# If multiple jumps files are installed, the recalls of shortcuts will -# be specific to each file. If Lynx was built with PERMIT_GOTO_FROM_JUMP -# defined, any random URLs used instead of shortcuts will be stored in the -# goto URL buffer, not in the shortcuts buffer(s), and the single character -# ':' can be used as a target to invoke the goto URL buffer (as if 'g'oto -# followed by Up-Arrow had been entered). -# -#JUMPBUFFER:FALSE - -.h1 Internal Behavior - -.h2 SAVE_SPACE -# If SAVE_SPACE is defined, it will be used as a path prefix for the -# suggested filename in "Save to Disk" operations from the 'p'rint or -# 'd'ownload menus. On VMS, you can use either VMS (e.g., "SYS$LOGIN:") -# or Unix syntax (including '~' for the HOME directory). On Unix, you -# must use Unix syntax. If the symbol is not defined, or is zero-length -# (""), no prefix will be used, and only a filename for saving in the -# current default directory will be suggested. -# This definition will be overridden if a "LYNX_SAVE_SPACE" environment -# variable has been set on Unix, or logical has been defined on VMS. -# -#SAVE_SPACE:~/foo/ - -.h2 REUSE_TEMPFILES -# Lynx uses temporary files for (among other purposes) the content of -# various user interface pages. REUSE_TEMPFILES changes the behavior -# for some of these temp files, among them pages shown for HISTORY, -# VLINKS, OPTIONS, INFO, PRINT, DOWNLOAD commands. -# If set to TRUE, the same file can be used multiple times for the same -# purpose. If set to FALSE, a new filename is generated each time before -# rewriting such a page. With TRUE, repeated invocation of these commands -# is less likely to push previous documents out of the cache of rendered -# texts (see also DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE). This is especially useful with -# intermittent (dialup) network connections, when it is desirable to -# continue browsing through the cached documents after disconnecting. -# With the default setting of FALSE, there can be more than one incarnation -# of e.g. the VLINKS page cached in memory (but still only the most recently -# generated one is kept as a file), resulting in sometimes less surprising -# behaviour when returning to such a page via HISTORY or PREV_DOC functions -# (most users will not encounter and notice this difference). -# -#REUSE_TEMPFILES:FALSE - -.h2 LYNX_HOST_NAME -# If LYNX_HOST_NAME is defined here or in userdefs.h, it will be -# treated as an alias for the local host name in checks for URLs on -# the local host (e.g., when the -localhost switch is set), and this -# host name, "localhost", and HTHostName (the fully qualified domain -# name of the system on which Lynx is running) will all be passed as -# local. A different definition here will override that in userdefs.h. -# - -.h2 LOCALHOST_ALIAS -# localhost aliases -# Any LOCALHOST_ALIAS definitions also will be accepted as local when -# the -localhost switch is set. These need not actually be local, i.e., -# in contrast to LYNX_HOST_NAME, you can define them to trusted hosts at -# other Internet sites. -# -.ex 2 -#LOCALHOST_ALIAS:gopher.server.domain -#LOCALHOST_ALIAS:news.server.domain - -.h2 LOCAL_DOMAIN -# LOCAL_DOMAIN is used for a tail match with the ut_host element of -# the utmp or utmpx structure on systems with utmp capabilities, to -# determine if a user is local to your campus or organization when -# handling -restrictions=inside_foo or outside_foo settings for ftp, -# news, telnet/tn3270 and rlogin URLs. An "inside" user is assumed -# if your system does not have utmp capabilities. CHANGE THIS here -# if it was not changed in userdefs.h at compilation time. -# - -.h1 Session support - -.h2 AUTO_SESSION -# If AUTO_SESSION is TRUE lynx will save/restore useful information about -# your browsing history when closing/starting current lynx session if -# no command-line session switches override this setting. -# This setting is useful only if SESSION_FILE is defined here or in the user's -# .lynxrc file. -# -#AUTO_SESSION:FALSE - -.h2 SESSION_FILE -# SESSION_FILE defines the file name where lynx will store user sessions. -# This setting is used only when AUTO_SESSION is true. -# Note: the default setting will store/resume each session in a different -# folder under same file name (if that is allowed by operating system) -# when lynx is invoked from different directories. -# (The current working directory may be changed inside lynx) -# -# If you want to use the same session file wherever you invoke Lynx, -# enter the full path below, eg '/home//.lynx_session'. -# -# If you do not want this feature, leave the setting commented. -# Users can still customize SESSION_FILE and AUTO_SESSION via -# their .lynxrc file. -# -#SESSION_FILE:lynx_session - -.h2 SESSION_LIMIT -# SESSION_LIMIT defines maximum number of: searched strings, goto URLs, -# visited links and history entries which will be saved in session file. The -# minimum allowed is 1, the maximum is 10000. -# -# For instance, if SESSION_LIMIT is 250, a per-session limit of 250 entries of -# searched strings, goto URLs, visited links and history entries will be saved -# in the session file. -# -# There is no fixed limit on the number of entries which can be restored; -# It is limited only by available memory. -# -#SESSION_LIMIT:250 - -.h1 Character Sets - -.h2 CHARACTER_SET -# CHARACTER_SET defines the display character set, i.e., assumed to be -# installed on the user's terminal. It determines which characters or strings -# will be used to represent 8-bit character entities within HTML. New -# character sets may be defined as explained in the README files of the -# src/chrtrans directory in the Lynx source code distribution. For Asian (CJK) -# character sets, it also determines how Kanji code will be handled. The -# default is defined in userdefs.h and can be changed here or via the -# 'o'ptions menu. The 'o'ptions menu setting will be stored in the user's RC -# file whenever those settings are saved, and thereafter will be used as the -# default. For Lynx a "character set" has two names: a MIME name (for -# recognizing properly labeled charset parameters in HTTP headers etc.), and a -# human-readable string for the 'O'ptions Menu (so you may find info about -# language or group of languages besides MIME name). Not all 'human-readable' -# names correspond to exactly one valid MIME charset (example is "Chinese"); -# in that case an appropriate valid (and more specific) MIME name should be -# used where required. Well-known synonyms are also processed in the code. -# -# Raw (CJK) mode -# -# Lynx normally translates characters from a document's charset to display -# charset, using ASSUME_CHARSET value (see below) if the document's charset -# is not specified explicitly. Raw (CJK) mode is OFF for this case. -# When the document charset is specified explicitly, that charset -# overrides any assumption like ASSUME_CHARSET or raw (CJK) mode. -# -# For the Asian (CJK) display character sets, the corresponding charset is -# assumed in documents, i.e., raw (CJK) mode is ON by default. In raw CJK -# mode, 8-bit characters are not reverse translated in relation to the entity -# conversion arrays, i.e., they are assumed to be appropriate for the display -# character set. The mode should be toggled OFF when an Asian (CJK) display -# character set is selected but the document is not CJK and its charset not -# specified explicitly. -# -# Raw (CJK) mode may be toggled by user via '@' (LYK_RAW_TOGGLE) key, -# the -raw command line switch or from the 'o'ptions menu. -# -# Raw (CJK) mode effectively changes the charset assumption about unlabeled -# documents. You can toggle raw mode ON if you believe the document has a -# charset which does correspond to your Display Character Set. On the other -# hand, if you set ASSUME_CHARSET the same as Display Character Set you get raw -# mode ON by default (but you get assume_charset=iso-8859-1 if you try raw mode -# OFF after it). -# -# Note that "raw" does not mean that every byte will be passed to the screen. -# HTML character entities may get expanded and translated, inappropriate -# control characters filtered out, etc. There is a "Transparent" pseudo -# character set for more "rawness". -# -# Since Lynx now supports a wide range of platforms it may be useful to note -# the cpXXX codepages used by IBM PC compatible computers, and windows-xxxx -# used by native MS-Windows apps. We also note that cpXXX pages rarely are -# found on Internet, but are mostly for local needs on DOS. -# -# Recognized character sets include: -# -# string for 'O'ptions Menu MIME name -# =========================== ========= -# 7 bit approximations (US-ASCII) us-ascii -# Western (ISO-8859-1) iso-8859-1 -# Western (ISO-8859-15) iso-8859-15 -# Western (cp850) cp850 -# Western (windows-1252) windows-1252 -# IBM PC US codepage (cp437) cp437 -# DEC Multinational dec-mcs -# Macintosh (8 bit) macintosh -# NeXT character set next -# HP Roman8 hp-roman8 -# Chinese euc-cn -# Japanese (EUC-JP) euc-jp -# Japanese (Shift_JIS) shift_jis -# Korean euc-kr -# Taipei (Big5) big5 -# Vietnamese (VISCII) viscii -# Eastern European (ISO-8859-2) iso-8859-2 -# Eastern European (cp852) cp852 -# Eastern European (windows-1250) windows-1250 -# Latin 3 (ISO-8859-3) iso-8859-3 -# Latin 4 (ISO-8859-4) iso-8859-4 -# Baltic Rim (ISO-8859-13) iso-8859-13 -# Baltic Rim (cp775) cp775 -# Baltic Rim (windows-1257) windows-1257 -# Celtic (ISO-8859-14) iso-8859-14 -# Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5) iso-8859-5 -# Cyrillic (cp866) cp866 -# Cyrillic (windows-1251) windows-1251 -# Cyrillic (KOI8-R) koi8-r -# Arabic (ISO-8859-6) iso-8859-6 -# Arabic (cp864) cp864 -# Arabic (windows-1256) windows-1256 -# Greek (ISO-8859-7) iso-8859-7 -# Greek (cp737) cp737 -# Greek2 (cp869) cp869 -# Greek (windows-1253) windows-1253 -# Hebrew (ISO-8859-8) iso-8859-8 -# Hebrew (cp862) cp862 -# Hebrew (windows-1255) windows-1255 -# Turkish (ISO-8859-9) iso-8859-9 -# North European (ISO-8859-10) iso-8859-10 -# Ukrainian Cyrillic (cp866u) cp866u -# Ukrainian Cyrillic (KOI8-U) koi8-u -# UNICODE (UTF-8) utf-8 -# RFC 1345 w/o Intro mnemonic+ascii+0 -# RFC 1345 Mnemonic mnemonic -# Transparent x-transparent -# -# The value should be the MIME name of a character set recognized by -# Lynx (case insensitive). -# Find RFC 1345 at -.url -# -CHARACTER_SET:utf-8 - -.h2 LOCALE_CHARSET -# LOCALE_CHARSET overrides CHARACTER_SET if true, using the current locale to -# lookup a MIME name that corresponds, and use that as the display charset. -# -# It also modifies the default value for ASSUME_CHARSET; it does not override -# that setting. -# -# Note that while nl_langinfo(CODESET) itself is standardized, the return -# values and their relationship to the locale value is not. GNU libiconv -# happens to give useful values, but other implementations are not guaranteed -# to do this. -#LOCALE_CHARSET:FALSE - -.h2 HTML5_CHARSETS -# HTML5_CHARSETS is an alternative to ASSUME_CHARSET and ASSUME_LOCAL_CHARSET. -# Those assume by default that the character set of an HTML document is (as is -# standard in HTML4) ISO-8859-1, in the absence of locale information. -# -# HTML5 introduces a "compatibility" (sic) feature which assumes that the -# default is Windows 1252. In the same way, it equates ISO-8859-4 and Windows -# 1254. Finally, it also makes recommendations which selectively reinterpret -# the locale encoding. -# -# This option currently implements only the equating of ISO-8859-1 and Windows -# 1252. -# -#HTML5_CHARSETS:FALSE - -.h2 ASSUME_CHARSET -# ASSUME_CHARSET changes the handling of documents which do not -# explicitly specify a charset. Normally Lynx assumes that 8-bit -# characters in those documents are encoded according to iso-8859-1 -# (the official default for the HTTP protocol). When ASSUME_CHARSET -# is defined here or by an -assume_charset command line flag is in effect, -# Lynx will treat documents as if they were encoded accordingly. -# See above on how this interacts with "raw mode" and the Display -# Character Set. -# ASSUME_CHARSET can also be changed via the 'o'ptions menu but will -# not be saved as permanent value in user's .lynxrc file to avoid more chaos. -# -ASSUME_CHARSET:utf-8 - -.h2 ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE -.h2 DISPLAY_CHARSET_CHOICE -# It is possible to reduce the number of charset choices in the 'O'ptions menu -# for "display charset" and "assumed document charset" fields via -# DISPLAY_CHARSET_CHOICE and ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE settings correspondingly. -# Each of these settings can be used several times to define the set of possible -# choices for corresponding field. The syntax for the values is -# -# string | prefix* | * -# -# where -# -# 'string' is either the MIME name of charset or it's full name (listed -# either in the left or in the right column of table of -# recognized charsets), case-insensitive - e.g. 'Koi8-R' or -# 'Cyrillic (KOI8-R)' (both without quotes), -# -# 'prefix' is any string, and such value will select all charsets having -# the name with prefix matching given (case insensitive), i.e., -# for the charsets listed in the table of recognized charsets, -# -.ex -# ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE:cyrillic* -# will be equal to specifying -.ex 4 -# ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE:cp866 -# ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE:windows-1251 -# ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE:koi8-r -# ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE:iso-8859-5 -# or lines with full names of charsets. -# -# literal string '*' (without quotes) will enable all charset choices -# in corresponding field. This is useful for overriding site -# defaults in private pieces of lynx.cfg included via INCLUDE -# directive. -# -# Default values for both settings are '*', but any occurrence of settings -# with values that denote any charsets will make only listed choices available -# for corresponding field. -#ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE:* -#DISPLAY_CHARSET_CHOICE:* - -.h2 ASSUME_LOCAL_CHARSET -# ASSUME_LOCAL_CHARSET is like ASSUME_CHARSET but only applies to local -# files. If no setting is given here or by an -assume_local_charset -# command line option, the value for ASSUME_CHARSET or -assume_charset -# is used. It works for both text/plain and text/html files. -# This option will ignore "raw mode" toggling when local files are viewed -# (it is "stronger" than "assume_charset" or the effective change -# of the charset assumption caused by changing "raw mode"), -# so only use when necessary. -# -ASSUME_LOCAL_CHARSET:utf-8 - -.h2 PREPEND_CHARSET_TO_SOURCE -# PREPEND_CHARSET_TO_SOURCE:TRUE tells Lynx to prepend a META CHARSET line -# to text/html source files when they are retrieved for 'd'ownloading -# or passed to 'p'rint functions, so HTTP headers will not be lost. -# This is necessary for resolving charset for local html files, -# while the assume_local_charset is just an assumption. -# For the 'd'ownload option, a META CHARSET will be added only if the HTTP -# charset is present. The compilation default is TRUE. -# It is generally desirable to have charset information for every local -# html file, but META CHARSET string potentially could cause -# compatibility problems with other browsers, see also PREPEND_BASE_TO_SOURCE. -# Note that the prepending is not done for -source dumps. -# -#PREPEND_CHARSET_TO_SOURCE:TRUE - -.h2 NCR_IN_BOOKMARKS -# NCR_IN_BOOKMARKS:TRUE allows you to save 8-bit characters in bookmark titles -# in the unicode format (NCR). This may be useful if you need to switch -# display charsets frequently. This is the case when you use Lynx on different -# platforms, e.g., on UNIX and from a remote PC, and want to keep the bookmarks -# file persistent. -# Another aspect is compatibility: NCR is part of I18N and HTML4.0 -# specifications supported starting with Lynx 2.7.2, Netscape 4.0 and MSIE 4.0. -# Older browser versions will fail so keep NCR_IN_BOOKMARKS:FALSE if you -# plan to use them. -# -#NCR_IN_BOOKMARKS:FALSE - -.h2 FORCE_8BIT_TOUPPER -# FORCE_8BIT_TOUPPER overrides locale settings and uses internal 8-bit -# case-conversion mechanism for case-insensitive searches in non-ASCII display -# character sets. It is FALSE by default and should not be changed unless -# you encounter problems with case-insensitive searches. -# -#FORCE_8BIT_TOUPPER:FALSE - -.h2 OUTGOING_MAIL_CHARSET -# While Lynx supports different platforms and display character sets -# we need to limit the charset in outgoing mail to reduce -# trouble for remote recipients who may not recognize our charset. -# You may try US-ASCII as the safest value (7 bit), any other MIME name, -# or leave this field blank (default) to use the display character set. -# Charset translations currently are implemented for mail "subjects= " only. -# -#OUTGOING_MAIL_CHARSET: - -.h2 ASSUME_UNREC_CHARSET -# If Lynx encounters a charset parameter it doesn't recognize, it will -# replace the value given by ASSUME_UNREC_CHARSET (or a corresponding -# -assume_unrec_charset command line option) for it. This can be used -# to deal with charsets unknown to Lynx, if they are "sufficiently -# similar" to one that Lynx does know about, by forcing the same -# treatment. There is no default, and you probably should leave this -# undefined unless necessary. -# -#ASSUME_UNREC_CHARSET:iso-8859-1 - -.h2 PREFERRED_LANGUAGE -# PREFERRED_LANGUAGE is the language in MIME notation (e.g., "en", -# "fr") which will be indicated by Lynx in its Accept-Language headers -# as the preferred language. If available, the document will be -# transmitted in that language. Users can override this setting via -# the 'o'ptions menu and save that preference in their RC file. -# This may be a comma-separated list of languages in decreasing preference. -# -#PREFERRED_LANGUAGE:en - -.h2 PREFERRED_CHARSET -# PREFERRED_CHARSET specifies the character set in MIME notation (e.g., -# "ISO-8859-2", "ISO-8859-5") which Lynx will indicate you prefer in -# requests to http servers using an Accept-Charsets header. Users can -# change it via the 'o'ptions menu and save that preference in their RC file. -# The value should NOT include "ISO-8859-1" or "US-ASCII", -# since those values are always assumed by default. -# If a file in that character set is available, the server will send it. -# If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any -# character set is acceptable. If an Accept-Charset header is present, -# and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable -# according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send -# an error response with the 406 (not acceptable) status code, though -# the sending of an unacceptable response is also allowed. See RFC 2068 -.url -# -#PREFERRED_CHARSET: - -.h2 CHARSETS_DIRECTORY -# CHARSETS_DIRECTORY specifies the directory with the fonts (glyph data) -# used by Lynx to switch the display-font to a font best suited for the -# given document. The font should be in a format understood by the -# platforms TTY-display-font-switching API. Currently supported on OS/2 only. -# -# Lynx expects the glyphs for the charset CHARSET with character cell -# size HHHxWWW to be stored in a file HHHxWWW/CHARSET.fnt inside the directory -# specified by CHARSETS_DIRECTORY. E.g., the font for koi8-r sized 14x9 -# should be in the file 14x9/koi8-r.fnt. -# -#CHARSETS_DIRECTORY: - -.h2 CHARSET_SWITCH_RULES -# CHARSET_SWITCH_RULES hints lynx on how to choose the best display font given -# the document encoding. This string is a sequence of chunks, each chunk -# having the following form: -# -# IN_CHARSET1 IN_CHARSET2 ... IN_CHARSET5 :OUT_CHARSET -# -# For readability, one may insert arbitrary additional punctuation (anything -# but : is ignored). E.g., if lynx is able to switch only to display charsets -# cp866, cp850, cp852, and cp862, then the following setting may be useful -# (split for readability): -# -# CHARSET_SWITCH_RULES: koi8-r ISO-8859-5 windows-1251 cp866u KOI8-U :cp866, -# iso-8859-1 windows-1252 ISO-8859-15 :cp850, -# ISO-8859-2 windows-1250 :cp852, -# ISO-8859-8 windows-1255 :cp862 -# -#CHARSET_SWITCH_RULES: - -.h1 Interaction - -.h2 URL_DOMAIN_PREFIXES -.h2 URL_DOMAIN_SUFFIXES -# URL_DOMAIN_PREFIXES and URL_DOMAIN_SUFFIXES are strings which will be -# prepended (together with a scheme://) and appended to the first element -# of command line or 'g'oto arguments which are not complete URLs and -# cannot be opened as a local file (file://localhost/string). Both -# can be comma-separated lists. Each prefix must end with a dot, each -# suffix must begin with a dot, and either may contain other dots (e.g., -# The default lists are defined in userdefs.h and can be -# replaced here. Each prefix will be used with each suffix, in order, -# until a valid Internet host is created, based on a successful DNS -# lookup (e.g., foo will be tested as and then -# etc.). The first element can include a :port and/or /path which will -# be restored with the expanded host (e.g., wfbr:8002/dir/lynx will -# become The prefixes will not be -# used if the first element ends in a dot (or has a dot before the -# :port or /path), and similarly the suffixes will not be used if the -# the first element begins with a dot (e.g., will become -# without testing Lynx will try to -# guess the scheme based on the first field of the expanded host name, -# and use "http://" as the default (e.g., or gopher.wfbr. -# will be made gopher:// -# -#URL_DOMAIN_PREFIXES:www.,.edu,.net,.org - -.h2 FORMS_OPTIONS -# Toggle whether the Options Menu is key-based or form-based; -# the key-based version is available only if specified at compile time. -#FORMS_OPTIONS:TRUE - -.h2 PARTIAL -# Display partial pages while downloading -#PARTIAL:TRUE - -.h2 PARTIAL_THRES -# Set the threshold # of lines Lynx must render before it -# redraws the screen in PARTIAL mode. Anything < 0 implies -# use of the screen size. -#PARTIAL_THRES:-1 - -.h2 SHOW_KB_RATE -# While getting large files, Lynx shows the approximate rate of transfer. -# Set this to change the units shown. "Kilobytes" denotes 1024 bytes: -# NONE to disable the display of transfer rate altogether. -# TRUE or KB for Kilobytes/second. -# FALSE or BYTES for bytes/second. -# KB,ETA to show Kilobytes/second with estimated completion time. -# BYTES,ETA to show BYTES/second with estimated completion time. -# KB2,ETA to show Kilobytes/second with estimated completion time using 2-digits. -# BYTES2,ETA to show BYTES/second with estimated completion time using 2-digits. -# Note that the "ETA" values are available if USE_READPROGRESS was defined. -#SHOW_KB_RATE:TRUE - -.h2 SHOW_KB_NAME -# Set the abbreviation for Kilobytes (1024). -# Quoting from -.url -# In December 1998, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) -# approved a new IEC International Standard. Instead of using the metric -# prefixes for multiples in binary code, the new IEC standard invented specific -# prefixes for binary multiples made up of only the first two letters of the -# metric prefixes and adding the first two letters of the word "binary". Thus, -# for instance, instead of Kilobyte (KB) or Gigabyte (GB), the new terms would -# be kibibyte (KiB) or gibibyte (GiB). -# -# If you prefer using the conventional (and more common) "KB", modify this -# setting. -#SHOW_KB_NAME:KiB - -.h1 Timeouts - -.h2 INFOSECS -.h2 MESSAGESECS -.h2 ALERTSECS -.h2 NO_PAUSE -# The following definitions set the number of seconds for -# pauses following statusline messages that would otherwise be -# replaced immediately, and are more important than the unpaused -# progress messages. Those set by INFOSECS are also basically -# progress messages (e.g., that a prompted input has been canceled) -# and should have the shortest pause. Those set by MESSAGESECS are -# informational (e.g., that a function is disabled) and should have -# a pause of intermediate duration. Those set by ALERTSECS typically -# report a serious problem and should be paused long enough to read -# whenever they appear (typically unexpectedly). The default values -# are defined in userdefs.h, and can be modified here should longer -# pauses be desired for braille-based access to Lynx. -# -# SVr4-curses implementations support time delays in milliseconds, -# hence the value may be given shorter, e.g., 0.5 -# -# Use the NO_PAUSE option (like the command-line -nopause) to override -# all of the delay times. -# -#INFOSECS:1 -#MESSAGESECS:2 -#ALERTSECS:3 -#NO_PAUSE:FALSE - -.h2 DEBUGSECS -# Set DEBUGSECS to a nonzero value to slow down progress messages -# (see "-delay" option). -#DEBUGSECS:0 - -.h2 REPLAYSECS -# Set REPLAYSECS to a nonzero value to allow for slow replaying of -# command scripts (see "-cmd_script" option). -#REPLAYSECS:0 - -.h1 Appearance -# These settings control the appearance of Lynx's screen and the way -# Lynx renders some tags. - -.h2 USE_SELECT_POPUPS -# If USE_SELECT_POPUPS is set FALSE, Lynx will present a vertical list of -# radio buttons for the OPTIONs in SELECT blocks which lack the MULTIPLE -# attribute, instead of using a popup menu. Note that if the MULTIPLE -# attribute is present in the SELECT start tag, Lynx always will create a -# vertical list of checkboxes for the OPTIONs. -# The default defined here or in userdefs.h can be changed via the 'o'ptions -# menu and saved in the RC file, and always can be toggled via the -popup -# command line switch. -# -#USE_SELECT_POPUPS:TRUE - -.h2 SHOW_CURSOR -# SHOW_CURSOR controls whether or not the cursor is hidden or appears -# over the current link in documents or the current option in popups. -# Showing the cursor is handy if you are a sighted user with a poor -# terminal that can't do bold and reverse video at the same time or -# at all. It also can be useful to blind users, as an alternative -# or supplement to setting LINKS_AND_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED or -# LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED. -# The default defined here or in userdefs.h can be changed via the -# 'o'ptions menu and saved in the RC file, and always can be toggled -# via the -show_cursor command line switch. -# -#SHOW_CURSOR:FALSE - -.h2 UNDERLINE_LINKS -# UNDERLINE_LINKS controls whether links are underlined by default, or shown -# in bold. Normally this default is set from the configure script. -# -#UNDERLINE_LINKS:FALSE - -.h2 BOLD_HEADERS -# If BOLD_HEADERS is set to TRUE the HT_BOLD default style will be acted -# upon for


headers. The compilation default is FALSE -# (only the indentation styles are acted upon, but see BOLD_H1, below). -# On Unix, compilation with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS also will apply to the -# HT_BOLD style for headers when BOLD_HEADERS is TRUE. -# -#BOLD_HEADERS:FALSE - -.h2 BOLD_H1 -# If BOLD_H1 is set to TRUE the HT_BOLD default style will be acted -# upon for

headers even if BOLD_HEADERS is FALSE. The compilation -# default is FALSE. On Unix, compilation with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS also -# will apply to the HT_BOLD style for headers when BOLD_H1 is TRUE. -# -#BOLD_H1:FALSE - -.h2 BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS -# If BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS is set to TRUE the content of anchors without -# an HREF attribute, (i.e., anchors with a NAME or ID attribute) will -# have the HT_BOLD default style. The compilation default is FALSE. -# On Unix, compilation with -DUNDERLINE_LINKS also will apply to the -# HT_BOLD style for NAME (ID) anchors when BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS is TRUE. -# -#BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS:FALSE - -.h1 Internal Behavior - -.h2 DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE -.h2 DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE -# The DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE specifies the number of WWW documents to be -# cached in memory at one time. -# -# This so-called cache size (actually, number) is defined in userdefs.h and -# may be modified here and/or with the command line argument -cache=NUMBER -# The minimum allowed value is 2, for the current document and at least one -# to fetch, and there is no absolute maximum number of cached documents. -# On Unix, and VMS not compiled with VAXC, whenever the number is exceeded -# the least recently displayed document will be removed from memory. -# -# On VMS compiled with VAXC, the DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE specifies the -# amount (bytes) of virtual memory that can be allocated and not yet be freed -# before previous documents are removed from memory. If the values for both -# the DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE and DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE are exceeded, then -# the least recently displayed documents will be freed until one or the other -# value is no longer exceeded. The default value is defined in userdefs.h. -# -# The Unix and VMS (but not VAXC) implementations use the C library malloc's -# and calloc's for memory allocation, but procedures for taking the actual -# amount of cache into account still need to be developed. They use only -# the DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE value, and that specifies the absolute maximum -# number of documents to cache (rather than the maximum number only if -# DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE has been exceeded, as with VAXC/VAX). -# -#DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE:10 -#DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE:512000 - -.h2 SOURCE_CACHE -# SOURCE_CACHE sets the source caching behavior for Lynx: -# -# FILE causes Lynx to keep a temporary file for each cached document -# containing the HTML source of the document, which it uses to regenerate -# the document when certain settings are changed (for instance, -# historical vs. minimal vs. valid comment parsing) instead of reloading -# the source from the network. -# -# MEMORY is like FILE, except the document source is kept in memory. You -# may wish to adjust DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE and DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE -# accordingly. -# -# NONE is the default; the document source is not cached, and is reloaded -# from the network when needed. -# -#SOURCE_CACHE:NONE - -.h2 SOURCE_CACHE_FOR_ABORTED -# This setting controls what will happen with cached source for the document -# being fetched from the net if fetching was aborted (either user pressed -# 'z' or network went down). If set to KEEP, the source fetched so far will -# be preserved (and used as cache), if set to DROP lynx will drop the -# source cache for that document (i.e. only completely downloaded documents -# will be cached in that case). -#SOURCE_CACHE_FOR_ABORTED:DROP - -.h2 ALWAYS_RESUBMIT_POSTS -# If ALWAYS_RESUBMIT_POSTS is set TRUE, Lynx always will resubmit forms -# with method POST, dumping any cache from a previous submission of the -# form, including when the document returned by that form is sought with -# the PREV_DOC command or via the history list. Lynx always resubmits -# forms with method POST when a submit button or a submitting text input -# is activated, but normally retrieves the previously returned document -# if it had links which you activated, and then go back with the PREV_DOC -# command or via the history list. -# -# The default defined here or in userdefs.h can be toggled via -# the -resubmit_forms command line switch. -# -#ALWAYS_RESUBMIT_POSTS:FALSE - -.h2 TRIM_INPUT_FIELDS -# If TRIM_INPUT_FIELDS is set TRUE, Lynx will trim trailing whitespace (e.g., -# space, tab, carriage return, line feed and form feed) from the text entered -# into form text and textarea fields. Older versions of Lynx do this trimming -# unconditionally, but other browsers do not, which would yield different -# behavior for CGI scripts. -#TRIM_INPUT_FIELDS:FALSE - -.h1 HTML Parsing - -.h2 NO_ISMAP_IF_USEMAP -# If NO_ISMAP_IF_USEMAP is set TRUE, Lynx will not include a link to the -# server-side image map if both a server-side and client-side map for the -# same image is indicated in the HTML markup. The compilation default is -# FALSE, such that a link with "[ISMAP]" as the link name, followed by a -# hyphen, will be prepended to the ALT string or "[USEMAP]" pseudo-ALT for -# accessing Lynx's text-based rendition of the client-side map (based on -# the content of the associated MAP element). If the "[ISMAP]" link is -# activated, Lynx will send a 0,0 coordinate pair to the server, which -# Lynx-friendly sites can map to a for-text-client document, homologous -# to what is intended for the content of a FIG element. -# -# The compilation default, or default defined here, can be toggled via -# the "-ismap" command line switch. -# -#NO_ISMAP_IF_USEMAP:FALSE - -.h2 SEEK_FRAG_MAP_IN_CUR -# If SEEK_FRAG_MAP_IN_CUR is set FALSE, then USEMAP attribute values -# (in IMG or OBJECT tags) consisting of only a fragment (USEMAP="#foo") -# will be resolved with respect to the current document's base, which -# might not be the same as the current document's URL. -# The compilation default is to use the current document's URL in all -# cases (i.e., assume the MAP is present below, if it wasn't present -# above the point in the HTML stream where the USEMAP attribute was -# detected). Lynx's present "single pass" rendering engine precludes -# checking below before making the decision on how to resolve a USEMAP -# reference consisting solely of a fragment. -# -#SEEK_FRAG_MAP_IN_CUR:TRUE - -.h2 SEEK_FRAG_AREA_IN_CUR -# If SEEK_FRAG_AREA_IN_CUR is set FALSE, then HREF attribute values -# in AREA tags consisting of only a fragment (HREF="#foo") will be -# resolved with respect to the current document's base, which might -# not be the same as the current document's URL. The compilation -# default is to use the current document's URL, as is done for the -# HREF attribute values of Anchors and LINKs that consist solely of -# a fragment. -# -#SEEK_FRAG_AREA_IN_CUR:TRUE - -.h1 CGI scripts -# These settings control Lynx's ability to execute various types of scripts. - -.h2 LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ALWAYS_ON -.h2 LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ON_BUT_NOT_REMOTE -# Local execution links and scripts are by default completely disabled, -# unless a change is made to the userdefs.h file to enable them or -# the configure script is used with the corresponding options -# (-enable-exec-links and -enable-exec-scripts). -# See the Lynx source code distribution and the userdefs.h -# file for more detail on enabling execution links and scripts. -# -# If you have enabled execution links or scripts the following -# two variables control Lynx's action when an execution link -# or script is encountered. -# -# If LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ALWAYS_ON is set to TRUE any execution -# link or script will be executed no matter where it came from. -# This is EXTREMELY dangerous. Since Lynx can access files from -# anywhere in the world, you may encounter links or scripts that -# will cause damage or compromise the security of your system. -# -# If LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ON_BUT_NOT_REMOTE is set to TRUE only -# links or scripts that reside on the local machine and are -# referenced with a URL beginning with "file://localhost/" or meet -# TRUSTED_EXEC or ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC rules (see below) will be -# executed. This is much less dangerous than enabling all execution -# links, but can still be dangerous. -# -#LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ALWAYS_ON:FALSE -#LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ON_BUT_NOT_REMOTE:FALSE - -.h2 TRUSTED_EXEC -# If LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINK_ON_BUT_NOT_REMOTE is TRUE, and no TRUSTED_EXEC -# rule is defined, it defaults to "file://localhost/" and any lynxexec -# or lynxprog command will be permitted if it was referenced from within -# a document whose URL begins with that string. If you wish to restrict the -# referencing URLs further, you can extend the string to include a trusted -# path. You also can specify a trusted directory for http URLs, which will -# then be treated as if they were local rather than remote. For example: -# -# TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost/trusted/ -# TRUSTED_EXEC: -# -# If you also wish to restrict the commands which can be executed, create -# a series of rules with the path (Unix) or command name (VMS) following -# the string, separated by a tab. For example: -# -# Unix: -# ==== -# TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost//bin/cp -# TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost//bin/rm -# VMS: -# === -# TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost/copy -# TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost/delete -# -# Once you specify a TRUSTED_EXEC referencing string, the default is -# replaced, and all the referencing strings you desire must be specified -# as a series. Similarly, if you associate a command with the referencing -# string, you must specify all of the allowable commands as a series of -# TRUSTED_EXEC rules for that string. If you specify ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC -# rules below, you need not repeat them as TRUSTED_EXEC rules. -# -# If EXEC_LINKS and JUMPFILE have been defined, any lynxexec or lynxprog -# URLs in that file will be permitted, regardless of other settings. If -# you also set LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ON_BUT_NOT_REMOTE:TRUE and a single -# TRUSTED_EXEC rule that will always fail (e.g., "none"), then *ONLY* the -# lynxexec or lynxprog URLs in JUMPFILE (and any ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC rules, -# see below) will be allowed. Note, however, that if Lynx was compiled with -# CAN_ANONYMOUS_JUMP set to FALSE (default is TRUE), or -restrictions=jump -# is included with the -anonymous switch at run time, then users of an -# anonymous account will not be able to access the jumps file or enter -# 'j'ump shortcuts, and this selective execution feature will be overridden -# as well (i.e., they will only be able to access lynxexec or lynxprog -# URLs which meet any ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC rules). -# -#TRUSTED_EXEC:none - -.h2 ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC -# If EXEC_LINKS was defined, any lynxexec or lynxprog URL can be made -# always enabled by an ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC rule for it. This is useful for -# anonymous accounts in which you have disabled execution links generally, -# and may also have disabled jumps file links, but still want to allow -# execution of particular utility scripts or programs. The format is -# like that for TRUSTED_EXEC. For example: -# -# Unix: -# ==== -# ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost//usr/local/kinetic/bin/usertime -# ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC: -# VMS: -# === -# ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC:file://localhost/usertime -# ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC: users -# -# The default ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC rule is "none". -# -#ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC:none - -.h2 TRUSTED_LYNXCGI -# Unix: -# ===== -# TRUSTED_LYNXCGI rules define the permitted sources and/or paths for -# lynxcgi links (if LYNXCGI_LINKS is defined in userdefs.h). The format -# is the same as for TRUSTED_EXEC rules (see above). Example rules: -# -# TRUSTED_LYNXCGI:file://localhost/ -# TRUSTED_LYNXCGI:/usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/ -# TRUSTED_LYNXCGI:file://localhost//usr/local/www/cgi-bin/ -# -# VMS: -# ==== -# Do not define this. -# -# The default TRUSTED_LYNXCGI rule is "none". -# -#TRUSTED_LYNXCGI:none - -.h2 LYNXCGI_ENVIRONMENT -# Unix: -# ===== -# LYNXCGI_ENVIRONMENT adds the current value of the specified -# environment variable to the list of environment variables passed on to the -# lynxcgi script. Useful variables are HOME, USER, etc... If proxies -# are in use, and the script invokes another copy of lynx (or a program like -# wget) in a subsidiary role, it can be useful to add http_proxy and other -# *_proxy variables. -# -# VMS: -# ==== -# Do not define this. -# -#LYNXCGI_ENVIRONMENT: - -.h2 LYNXCGI_DOCUMENT_ROOT -# Unix: -# ===== -# LYNXCGI_DOCUMENT_ROOT is the value of DOCUMENT_ROOT that will be passed -# to lynxcgi scripts. If set and the URL has PATH_INFO data, then -# PATH_TRANSLATED will also be generated. Examples: -# LYNXCGI_DOCUMENT_ROOT:/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs -# LYNXCGI_DOCUMENT_ROOT:/data/htdocs/ -# -# VMS: -# ==== -# Do not define this. -# -#LYNXCGI_DOCUMENT_ROOT: - -.h1 Cookies - -.h2 FORCE_SSL_COOKIES_SECURE -# If FORCE_SSL_COOKIES_SECURE is set to TRUE, then SSL encrypted cookies -# received from https servers never will be sent unencrypted to http -# servers. The compilation default is to impose this block only if the -# https server included a secure attribute for the cookie. The normal -# default or that defined here can be toggled via the -force_secure -# command line switch. -# -#FORCE_SSL_COOKIES_SECURE:FALSE - -.h1 Internal Behavior - -.h2 MAIL_SYSTEM_ERROR_LOGGING -# MAIL_SYSTEM_ERROR_LOGGING will send a message to the owner of -# the information, or ALERTMAIL if there is no owner, every time -# that a document cannot be accessed! -# -# NOTE: This can generate A LOT of mail, be warned. -# -#MAIL_SYSTEM_ERROR_LOGGING:FALSE - -.h2 CHECKMAIL -# If CHECKMAIL is set to TRUE, the user will be informed (via a statusline -# message) about the existence of any unread mail at startup of Lynx, and -# will get statusline messages if subsequent new mail arrives. If a jumps -# file with a lynxprog URL for invoking mail is available, or your html -# pages include an mail launch file URL, the user thereby can access mail -# and read the messages. The checks and statusline reports will not be -# performed if Lynx has been invoked with the -restrictions=mail switch. -# -# VMS USERS !!! -# ============= -# New mail is normally broadcast as it arrives, via "unsolicited screen -# broadcasts", which can be "wiped" from the Lynx display via the Ctrl-W -# command. You may prefer to disable the broadcasts and use CHECKMAIL -# instead (e.g., in a public account which will be used by people who -# are ignorant about VMS). -# -#CHECKMAIL:FALSE - -.h1 News-groups - -.h2 NNTPSERVER -# To enable news reading ability via Lynx, the environment variable NNTPSERVER -# must be set so that it points to your site's NNTP server -# (see Lynx Users Guide on environment variables). -# Lynx respects RFC 1738 -.url -# and does not accept a host field in news URLs (use nntp: instead of news: for -# the scheme if you wish to specify an NNTP host in a URL, as explained in the -# RFC). If you have not set the variable externally, you can set it at run -# time via this configuration file. It will not override an external setting. -# Note that on VMS it is set as a process logical rather than symbol, and will -# outlive the Lynx image. -# The news reading facility in Lynx is quite limited. Lynx does not provide a -# full featured news reader with elaborate error checking and safety features. -# -#NNTPSERVER:news.server.dom - -.h2 LIST_NEWS_NUMBERS -# If LIST_NEWS_NUMBERS is set TRUE, Lynx will use an ordered list and include -# the numbers of articles in news listings, instead of using an unordered -# list. The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here. -# -#LIST_NEWS_NUMBERS:FALSE - -.h2 LIST_NEWS_DATES -# If LIST_NEWS_DATES is set TRUE, Lynx will include the dates of articles in -# news listings. The dates always are included in the articles, themselves. -# The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here. -# -#LIST_NEWS_DATES:FALSE - -.h2 NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE -.h2 NEWS_MAX_CHUNK -# NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE and NEWS_MAX_CHUNK regulate the chunking of news article -# listings with inclusion of links for listing earlier and/or later articles. -# The defaults are defined in HTNews.c as 30 and 40, respectively. If the -# news group contains more than NEWS_MAX_CHUNK articles, they will be listed -# in NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE chunks. You can change the defaults here, and/or on -# the command line via -newschunksize=NUMBER and/or -newsmaxchunk=NUMBER -# switches. Note that if the chunk size is increased, here or on the command -# line, to a value greater than the current maximum, the maximum will be -# increased to that number. Conversely, if the maximum is set to a number -# less than the current chunk size, the chunk size will be reduced to that -# number. Thus, you need use only one of the two switches on the command -# line, based on the direction of intended change relative to the compilation -# or configuration defaults. The compilation defaults ensure that there will -# be at least 10 earlier articles before bothering to chunk and create a link -# for earlier articles. -# -#NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE:30 -#NEWS_MAX_CHUNK:40 - -.h2 NEWS_POSTING -# Set NEWS_POSTING to FALSE if you do not want to support posting to -# news groups via Lynx. If left TRUE, Lynx will use its news gateway to -# post new messages or followups to news groups, using the URL schemes -# described in the "Supported URLs" section of the online 'h'elp. The -# posts will be attempted via the nntp server specified in the URL, or -# if none was specified, via the NNTPSERVER configuration or environment -# variable. Links with these URLs for posting or sending followups are -# created by the news gateway when reading group listings or articles -# from nntp servers if the server indicates that it permits posting. -# The compilation default set in userdefs.h can be changed here. If -# the default is TRUE, posting can still be disallowed via the -# -restrictions command line switch. -# The posting facility in Lynx is quite limited. Lynx does not provide a -# full featured news poster with elaborate error checking and safety features. -# -#NEWS_POSTING:TRUE - -.h2 LYNX_SIG_FILE -# LYNX_SIG_FILE defines the name of a file containing a signature which -# can be appended to email messages and news postings or followups. The -# user will be prompted whether to append it. It is sought in the home -# directory. If it is in a subdirectory, begin it with a dot-slash -# (e.g., ./lynx/.lynxsig). The definition is set in userdefs.h and can -# be changed here. -# -#LYNX_SIG_FILE:.lynxsig - -.h1 Bibliographic Protocol (bibp scheme) - -.h2 BIBP_GLOBAL_SERVER -# BIBP_GLOBAL_SERVER is the default global server for bibp: links, used -# when a local bibhost or document-specified citehost is unavailable. -# Set in userdefs.h and can be changed here. -#BIBP_GLOBAL_SERVER: - -.h2 BIBP_BIBHOST -# BIBP_BIBHOST is the URL at which local bibp service may be found, if -# it exists. Defaults to http://bibhost/ for protocol conformance, but -# may be overridden here or via -bibhost parameter. -#BIBP_BIBHOST:http://bibhost/ - -.h1 Interaction -# These settings control interaction of the user with lynx. - -.h2 SCROLLBAR -# If SCROLLBAR is set TRUE, Lynx will show scrollbar on windows. With mouse -# enabled, the scrollbar strip outside the bar is clickable, and scrolls the -# window by pages. The appearance of the scrollbar can be changed from -# LYNX_LSS file: define attributes, scroll.back (for the bar, and -# for the strip along which the scrollbar moves). -#SCROLLBAR:FALSE - -.h2 SCROLLBAR_ARROW -# If SCROLLBAR_ARROW is set TRUE, Lynx's scrollbar will have arrows at the -# ends. With mouse enabled, the arrows are clickable, and scroll the window by -# 2 lines. The appearance of the scrollbar arrows can be changed from LYNX_LSS -# file: define attributes scroll.arrow, scroll.noarrow (for enabled-arrows, -# and disabled arrows). An arrow is "disabled" if the bar is at this end of -# the strip. -#SCROLLBAR_ARROW:TRUE - -.h2 USE_MOUSE -# If Lynx is configured with ncurses, PDcurses or slang & USE_MOUSE is TRUE, -# users can perform commands by left-clicking certain parts of the screen: -# on a link = `g'oto + ACTIVATE (i.e., move highlight & follow the link); -# on the top/bottom lines = PREV/NEXT_PAGE (i.e., go up/down 1 page); -# on the top/bottom left corners = PREV/NEXT_DOC (i.e., go to the previous -# document / undo goto previous document); -# on the top/bottom right corners = HISTORY/VLINKS (i.e., call up the history -# page or visited links page if on history page). -# NB if the mouse is defined in this way, it will not be available -# for copy/paste operations using the clipboard of a desktop manager: -# for flexibility instead, use the command-line switch -use_mouse . -# -# ncurses and slang have built-in support for the xterm mouse protocol. In -# addition, ncurses can be linked with the gpm mouse library, to automatically -# provide support for this interface in applications such as Lynx. (Please -# read the ncurses faq to work around broken gpm configurations packaged by -# some distributors). PDCurses implements mouse support for win32 console -# windows, as does slang. -#USE_MOUSE:FALSE - -.h1 HTML Parsing -# These settings control the way Lynx parses invalid HTML -# and how it may resolve such issues. - -.h2 COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS -# If COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS is set FALSE, Lynx will not collapse serial BR tags. -# If set TRUE, two or more concurrent BRs will be collapsed into a single -# line break. Note that the valid way to insert extra blank lines in HTML -# is via a PRE block with only newlines in the block. -# -#COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS:TRUE - -.h2 TRIM_BLANK_LINES -# If TRIM_BLANK_LINES is set FALSE, Lynx will not trim trailing blank lines -# from the document. Also, Lynx will not collapse BR-tags onto the previous -# line when it happens to be empty. -#TRIM_BLANK_LINES:TRUE - -.h2 TAGSOUP -# If TAGSOUP is set, Lynx uses the "Tag Soup DTD" rather than "SortaSGML". -# The two approaches differ by the style of error detection and recovery. -# Tag Soup DTD allows for improperly nested tags; SortaSGML is stricter. -#TAGSOUP:FALSE - -.h1 Cookies - -.h2 SET_COOKIES -# If SET_COOKIES is set FALSE, Lynx will ignore Set-Cookie headers -# in http server replies. Note that if a COOKIE_FILE is in use (see -# below) that contains cookies at startup, Lynx will still send those -# persistent cookies in requests as appropriate. Setting SET_COOKIES -# to FALSE just prevents accepting any new cookies from servers. To -# prevent all cookie processing (sending *and* receiving) in a session, -# make sure that PERSISTENT_COOKIES is not TRUE or that COOKIE_FILE does -# not point to a file with cookies, in addition to setting SET_COOKIES -# to FALSE. -# The default is defined in userdefs.h, and can be overridden here, -# and/or toggled via the -cookies command line switch. -# -#SET_COOKIES:TRUE - -.h2 ACCEPT_ALL_COOKIES -# If ACCEPT_ALL_COOKIES is set TRUE, Lynx will accept cookies from all -# domains with no user interaction. This is equivalent to automatically -# replying to all cookie 'Allow?' prompts with 'A'lways. Note that it -# does not preempt validity checking, which has to be controlled separately -# (see below). -# The default is defined in userdefs.h and can be overridden here, or -# in the .lynxrc file via an o(ptions) screen setting. It may also be -# toggled via the -accept_all_cookies command line switch. -# -#ACCEPT_ALL_COOKIES:FALSE - -.h2 COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS -.h2 COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS -# COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS and COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS are comma-delimited lists -# of domains from which Lynx should automatically accept or reject cookies -# without asking for confirmation. If the same domain is specified in both -# lists, rejection will take precedence. -# Note that in order to match cookies, domains have to be spelled out exactly -# in the form in which they would appear on the Cookie Jar page (case is -# insignificant). They are not wildcards. Domains that apply to more than -# one host have a leading '.', but have to match *the cookie's* domain -# exactly. -# -#COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS: -#COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS: - -.h2 COOKIE_LOOSE_INVALID_DOMAINS -.h2 COOKIE_STRICT_INVALID_DOMAINS -.h2 COOKIE_QUERY_INVALID_DOMAINS -# COOKIE_LOOSE_INVALID_DOMAINS, COOKIE_STRICT_INVALID_DOMAINS, and -# COOKIE_QUERY_INVALID_DOMAINS are comma-delimited lists of domains. -# They control the degree of validity checking that is applied to cookies -# for the specified domains. -# Note that in order to match cookies, domains have to be spelled out exactly -# in the form in which they would appear on the Cookie Jar page (case is -# insignificant). They are not wildcards. Domains that apply to more than -# one host have a leading '.', but have to match *the cookie's* domain -# exactly. -# If a domain is set to strict checking, strict conformance to RFC 2109 will -# be applied. A domain with loose checking will be allowed to set cookies -# with an invalid path or domain attribute. All domains will default to -# asking the user for confirmation in case of an invalid path or domain. -# Cookie validity checking takes place as a separate step before the -# final decision to accept or reject (see previous options), therefore -# a cookie that passes validity checking may still be automatically -# rejected or cause another prompt. -# -#COOKIE_LOOSE_INVALID_DOMAINS: -#COOKIE_STRICT_INVALID_DOMAINS: -#COOKIE_QUERY_INVALID_DOMAINS: - -.h2 MAX_COOKIES_DOMAIN -.h2 MAX_COOKIES_GLOBAL -.h2 MAX_COOKIES_BUFFER -# MAX_COOKIES_DOMAIN, -# MAX_COOKIES_GLOBAL and -# MAX_COOKIES_BUFFER are limits on the total number of cookies for each domain, -# globally, and the per-cookie buffer size. These limits are by default large -# enough for reasonable usage; if they are very high, some sites may present -# undue performance waste. -# -#MAX_COOKIES_DOMAIN:50 -#MAX_COOKIES_GLOBAL:500 -#MAX_COOKIES_BUFFER:4096 - -.h2 PERSISTENT_COOKIES -# PERSISTENT_COOKIES indicates that cookies should be read at startup from -# the COOKIE_FILE, and saved at exit for storage between Lynx sessions. -# It is not used if Lynx was compiled without USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES. -# The default is FALSE, so that the feature needs to be enabled here -# explicitly if you want it. -# -#PERSISTENT_COOKIES:FALSE - -.h2 COOKIE_FILE -# COOKIE_FILE is the default file from which persistent cookies are read -# at startup (if the file exists), if Lynx was compiled with -# USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES and the PERSISTENT_COOKIES option is enabled. -# The cookie file can also be specified in .lynxrc or on the command line. -# -#COOKIE_FILE:~/.lynx_cookies - -.h2 COOKIE_SAVE_FILE -# COOKIE_SAVE_FILE is the default file in which persistent cookies are -# stored at exit, if Lynx was compiled with USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES and the -# PERSISTENT_COOKIES option is enabled. The cookie save file can also be -# specified on the command line. -# -# With an interactive Lynx session, COOKIE_SAVE_FILE will default to -# COOKIE_FILE if it is not set. With a non-interactive Lynx session (e.g., -# -dump), cookies will only be saved to file if COOKIE_SAVE_FILE is set. -# -#COOKIE_SAVE_FILE:~/.lynx_cookies - -.h1 Mail-related - -.h2 SYSTEM_MAIL -.h2 SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS -# VMS: -# === -# The mail command and qualifiers are defined in userdefs.h. Lynx -# will spawn a subprocess to send replies and error messages. The -# command, and qualifiers (if any), can be re-defined here. If -# you use PMDF then headers will we passed via a header file. -# If you use "generic" VMS MAIL, the subject will be passed on the -# command line via a /subject="SUBJECT" qualifier, and inclusion -# of other relevant headers may not be possible. -# If your mailer uses another syntax, some hacking of the mailform() -# mailmsg() and reply_by_mail() functions in LYMail.c, and send_file_to_mail() -# function in LYPrint.c, may be required. -# -.ex 2 -#SYSTEM_MAIL:PMDF SEND -#SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS:/headers -# -.ex 2 -#SYSTEM_MAIL:MAIL -#SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS: -# -# Unix: -#====== -# The mail path and flags normally are defined for sendmail (or submit -# with MMDF) in userdefs.h. You can change them here, but should first -# read the zillions of CERT advisories about security problems with Unix -# mailers. -# -.ex 2 -#SYSTEM_MAIL:/usr/mmdf/bin/submit -#SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS:-mlruxto,cc\* -# -.ex 2 -#SYSTEM_MAIL:/usr/sbin/sendmail -#SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS:-t -oi -# -.ex 2 -#SYSTEM_MAIL:/usr/lib/sendmail -#SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS:-t -oi -# -# Win32: -#======= -# The Win32 port assumes that the mailer cannot read via a pipe. That is, it -# must read all information from files. The "sendmail" utility in the 2.8.1 -# release is able to work with that assumption. There is no way to tell the -# Win32 port of Lynx to send its information to the sendmail utility via a -# pipe. -# -# Please read sendmail.txt in the LYNX_W32.ZIP distribution -.url -.url -# -# As an alternative, the newer "sendmail for windows" may be useful: -.url -# -# See also BLAT_MAIL and ALT_BLAT_MAIL flags. -# -#SYSTEM_MAIL:sendmail -f -h -r my.smtp.mailer -m SMTP - -.h2 MAIL_ADRS -# VMS ONLY: -# ======== -# MAIL_ADRS is defined in userdefs.h and normally is structured for PMDF's -# IN%"INTERNET_ADDRESS" scheme. The %s is replaced with the address given -# by the user. If you are using a different Internet mail transport, change -# the IN appropriately (e.g., to SMTP, MX, or WINS). -# -#MAIL_ADRS:"IN%%""%s""" - -.h2 USE_FIXED_RECORDS -# VMS ONLY: -# ======== -# If USE_FIXED_RECORDS is set to TRUE here or in userdefs.h, Lynx will -# convert 'd'ownloaded binary files to FIXED 512 record format before saving -# them to disk or acting on a DOWNLOADER option. If set to FALSE, the -# headers of such files will indicate that they are Stream_LF with Implied -# Carriage Control, which is incorrect, and can cause downloading software -# to get confused and unhappy. If you do set it FALSE, you can use the -# FIXED512.COM command file, which is included in this distribution, to do -# the conversion externally. -# -#USE_FIXED_RECORDS:TRUE - -.h1 Keyboard Input -# These settings control the way Lynx interprets user input. - -.h2 VI_KEYS_ALWAYS_ON -.h2 EMACS_KEYS_ALWAYS_ON -# Vi or Emacs movement keys, i.e. familiar hjkl or ^N^P^F^B . -# These are defaults, which can be changed in the Options Menu or .lynxrc . -#VI_KEYS_ALWAYS_ON:FALSE -#EMACS_KEYS_ALWAYS_ON:FALSE - -.h2 DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE -# DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE may be set to NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS -# or LINKS_ARE_NOT_NUMBERED (the same) -# or LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED -# or LINKS_AND_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED -# or FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED -# to specify whether numbers (e.g. [10]) appear next to all links, -# allowing immediate access by entering the number on the keyboard, -# or numbers on the numeric key-pad work like arrows; -# the "FIELDS" options cause form fields also to be numbered. -# This may be overridden by the keypad_mode setting in .lynxrc, -# and can also be changed via the Options Menu. -# -#DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE:NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS - -.h2 NUMBER_LINKS_ON_LEFT -.h2 NUMBER_FIELDS_ON_LEFT -# Denotes the position for link- and field-numbers (whether it is on the left -# or right of the anchor). These are subject to DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE, which -# determines whether numbers are shown. -#NUMBER_LINKS_ON_LEFT:TRUE -#NUMBER_FIELDS_ON_LEFT:TRUE - -.h2 DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE_IS_NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS -# Obsolete form of DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE, -# numbers work like arrows or numbered links. -# Set to TRUE, indicates numbers act as arrows, -# and set to FALSE indicates numbers refer to numbered links on the page. -# LINKS_AND_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED cannot be set by this option because -# it allows only two values (true and false). -# -#DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE_IS_NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS:TRUE - -.h2 CASE_SENSITIVE_ALWAYS_ON -# The default search type. -# This is a default that can be overridden by the user! -# -#CASE_SENSITIVE_ALWAYS_ON:FALSE - -.h1 Auxiliary Facilities - -.h2 DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE -# DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE is the filename used for storing personal bookmarks. -# It will be prepended by the user's home directory. -# NOTE that a file ending in .html or other suffix mapped to text/html -# should be used to ensure its treatment as HTML. The built-in default -# is lynx_bookmarks.html. On both Unix and VMS, if a subdirectory off of -# the HOME directory is desired, the path should begin with "./" (e.g., -# ./BM/lynx_bookmarks.html), but the subdirectory must already exist. -# Lynx will create the bookmark file, if it does not already exist, on -# the first ADD_BOOKMARK attempt if the HOME directory is indicated -# (i.e., if the definition is just filename.html without any slashes), -# but requires a pre-existing subdirectory to create the file there. -# The user can re-define the default bookmark file, as well as a set -# of sub-bookmark files if multiple bookmark file support is enabled -# (see below), via the 'o'ptions menu, and can save those definitions -# in the .lynxrc file. -# -#DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE:lynx_bookmarks.html - -.h2 MULTI_BOOKMARK_SUPPORT -# If MULTI_BOOKMARK_SUPPORT is set TRUE, and BLOCK_MULTI_BOOKMARKS (see -# below) is FALSE, and sub-bookmarks exist, all bookmark operations will -# first prompt the user to select an active sub-bookmark file or the -# default bookmark file. FALSE is the default so that one (the default) -# bookmark file will be available initially. The definition here will -# override that in userdefs.h. The user can turn on multiple bookmark -# support via the 'o'ptions menu, and can save that choice as the startup -# default via the .lynxrc file. When on, the setting can be STANDARD or -# ADVANCED. If SUPPORT is set to the latter, and the user mode also is -# ADVANCED, the VIEW_BOOKMARK command will invoke a statusline prompt at -# which the user can enter the letter token (A - Z) of the desired bookmark, -# or '=' to get a menu of available bookmark files. The menu always is -# presented in NOVICE or INTERMEDIATE mode, or if the SUPPORT is set to -# STANDARD. No prompting or menu display occurs if only one (the startup -# default) bookmark file has been defined (define additional ones via the -# 'o'ptions menu). The startup default, however set, can be overridden on -# the command line via the -restrictions=multibook or the -anonymous or -# -validate switches. -# -#MULTI_BOOKMARK_SUPPORT:FALSE - -.h2 BLOCK_MULTI_BOOKMARKS -# If BLOCK_MULTI_BOOKMARKS is set TRUE, multiple bookmark support will -# be forced off, and cannot to toggled on via the 'o'ptions menu. The -# compilation setting is normally FALSE, and can be overridden here. -# It can also be set via the -restrictions=multibook or the -anonymous -# or -validate command line switches. -# -#BLOCK_MULTI_BOOKMARKS:FALSE - -.h1 Interaction - -.h2 DEFAULT_USER_MODE -# DEFAULT_USER_MODE sets the default user mode for Lynx users. -# NOVICE shows a three line help message at the bottom of the screen. -# INTERMEDIATE shows normal amount of help (one line). -# ADVANCED help is replaced by the URL of the current link. -# -#DEFAULT_USER_MODE:NOVICE - -.h1 External Programs - -.h2 DEFAULT_EDITOR -# If DEFAULT_EDITOR is defined, users may edit local documents with it -# & it will also be used for sending mail messages. -# If no editor is defined here or by the user, -# the user will not be able to edit local documents -# and a primitive line-oriented mail-input mode will be used. -# -# For sysadmins: do not define a default editor -# unless you know EVERY user will know how to use it; -# users can easily define their own editor in the Options Menu. -# -#DEFAULT_EDITOR: - -.h2 SYSTEM_EDITOR -# SYSTEM_EDITOR behaves the same as DEFAULT_EDITOR, -# except that it can't be changed by users. -# -#SYSTEM_EDITOR: - -.h3 POSITIONABLE_EDITOR -# If POSITIONABLE_EDITOR is defined once or multiple times and if the same -# editor is used as editor in lynx, lynx will use its features, i.e., adding an -# option to set the initial line-position, when editing files and textarea. -# The commented editors below are already known; there is no need to uncomment -# them. -# -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:emacs -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:jed -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:jmacs -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:joe -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:jove -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:jpico -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:jstar -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:nano -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:pico -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:rjoe -#POSITIONABLE_EDITOR:vi - -.h1 Proxy - -.h2 HTTP_PROXY -.h2 HTTPS_PROXY -.h2 FTP_PROXY -.h2 GOPHER_PROXY -.h2 NEWSPOST_PROXY -.h2 NEWSREPLY_PROXY -.h2 NEWS_PROXY -.h2 NNTP_PROXY -.h2 SNEWSPOST_PROXY -.h2 SNEWSREPLY_PROXY -.h2 SNEWS_PROXY -.h2 WAIS_PROXY -.h2 FINGER_PROXY -.h2 CSO_PROXY -# Lynx version 2.2 and beyond supports the use of proxy servers that can act as -# firewall gateways and caching servers. They are preferable to the older -# gateway servers. Each protocol used by Lynx can be mapped separately using -# PROTOCOL_proxy environment variables (see Lynx Users Guide). If you have not set -# them externally, you can set them at run time via this configuration file. -# They will not override external settings. The no_proxy variable can be used -# to inhibit proxying to selected regions of the Web (see below). Note that on -# VMS these proxy variables are set as process logicals rather than symbols, to -# preserve lowercasing, and will outlive the Lynx image. -# -.ex 15 -#http_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#https_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#ftp_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#gopher_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#news_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#newspost_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#newsreply_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#snews_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#snewspost_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#snewsreply_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#nntp_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#wais_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#finger_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#cso_proxy:http://some.server.dom:port/ -#no_proxy:host.domain.dom - -.h2 NO_PROXY -# The no_proxy variable can be a comma-separated list of strings defining -# no-proxy zones in the DNS domain name space. If a tail substring of the -# domain-path for a host matches one of these strings, transactions with that -# node will not be proxied. -.ex -#no_proxy:domain.path1,path2 -# -# A single asterisk as an entry will override all proxy variables and no -# transactions will be proxied. -.ex -#no_proxy:* -# This is the only allowed use of * in no_proxy. -# -# Warning: Note that setting 'il' as an entry in this list will block proxying -# for the .mil domain as well as the .il domain. If the entry is '.il' this -# will not happen. - -.h1 External Programs - -.h2 PRINTER -.h2 DOWNLOADER -.h2 UPLOADER -# PRINTER, DOWNLOADER & UPLOADER DEFINITIONS: -# Lynx has 4 pre-defined print options & 1 pre-defined download option, -# which are called up on-screen when `p' or `d' are entered; -# any number of options can be added by the user, as explained below. -# Uploaders can be defined only for UNIX with DIRED_SUPPORT: -# see the Makefile in the top directory & the header of src/LYUpload.c . -# -# For `p' pre-defined options are: `Save to local file', `E-mail the file', -# `Print to screen' and `Print to local printer attached to vt100'. -# `Print to screen' allows file transfers in the absence of alternatives -# and is often the only option allowed here for anonymous users; -# the 3rd & 4th options are not pre-defined for DOS/WINDOWS versions of Lynx. -# For `d' the pre-defined option is: `Download to local file'. -# -# To define your own print or download option use the following formats: -# -# PRINTER:::