@echo off rem Filename: DMCWIN32.CMD rem Purpose: Build Bywater BASIC for MS-WINDOWS (32-bit) using Digital Mars Compiler Version 8.42n rem Author: Howard Wulf, AF5NE rem Date: 2015-01-29 rem Uasage: implementation defined rem Example: rem cd \sdcard\Download\BASIC\bwbasic3\ rem DMCWIN32.CMD rem rem This is the location of DMC.EXE rem set BINDIR=C:\DOS\dm\bin rem rem Cleanup before compile rem DEL BW*.EXE 1> NUL 2> NUL DEL BW*.OBJ 1> NUL 2> NUL DEL BW*.MAP 1> NUL 2> NUL rem rem Compile rem set OLDPATH=%PATH% set PATH=%BINDIR%;%PATH% dmc.exe > DMCWIN32.TXT dmc.exe -mn -A89 -oBWBASIC.EXE -DHAVE_MSDOS=1 bwbasic.c bwb_cmd.c bwb_cnd.c bwb_dio.c bwb_exp.c bwb_fnc.c bwb_inp.c bwb_int.c bwb_prn.c bwb_stc.c bwb_str.c bwb_tbl.c bwb_var.c bwd_cmd.c bwd_fun.c bwx_tty.c >> DMCWIN32.TXT set PATH=%OLDPATH% set OLDPATH= set BINDIR= rem rem Cleanup after compile rem DEL BW*.OBJ 1> NUL 2> NUL DEL BW*.MAP 1> NUL 2> NUL rem EOF